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Fv / Sv Kaimahi Māori Rōpū

Building Lasting Relationships

Changing the Way the Sector Works Together


Ko tō tātou ingoa

(Our name)

Matatuhi was developed by Brad Totorewa in waananga with members of the FV/SV tangata whenua Roopuu.

‘Matatuhi, the “Celestial Imprint” referred to as taa moko, maps out the origins and destiny of one’s whakapapa. When one speaks of taa moko in today’s context, by default they are referring to the art form taa moko. But it’s much more than that, Matatuhi is the carrier of genetic information manifested in taa moko it is the poetic lines of Uetonga and relates to the story of Niwareka and Mataora.

The Celestial Imprint is a star that resides in our consciousness, your hirikapo and is also referred to as genealogical narratives or the dissemination whakapapa. As whakapapa transcends from generation to generation the embodiment of one’s livelihood sits within their tuakiritanga (kua tuhi ki te tuakiritanga).

Ko te piko o te Mahuri teeraa te tupu o te raakau. The restoration and protection of one’s whakapapa as it relates to Matatuhi is all about correcting the tuakiritanga of the person. The word “Mata” has several meanings, face, incantation, eyes or surface.  However, in this context, mata also means representation of maataawaka or matawaka kinship, tribes, hapuu, haapori community. This is the collective, within the FVSV sector.’

~Brad Totorewa

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